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A Commodore 64 Inspired WordPress Theme

Archive for the ‘Theme News’ Category

Category: Theme News

This is a minor update that brings Commodore inline with the latest WordPress requirements, making it WordPress 4.6 compatible! As always, you can find the latest version of Commodore here. Questions or suggestions? Post in the forum!

Category: Theme News

The 1.62 update is a big one! It includes support for WordPress 4.2+, a responsive design for phones, and a lot of code cleanup. So many improvements, we skipped a version! WordPress 4.2+ compatible. Code optimization and adjustments. Added responsive design for phones and mobile devices. As always, you can find the latest version of Commodore here. […]

Category: Theme News

The 1.4 update is general code clean-up revision. Everything appears to be functioning properly in WordPress 3.6! Code now HTML5 and CSS3 Valid! Slightly modified post titles on homepage and article pages. WordPress 3.6 compatible. Minor code adjustments. As always, you can find the latest version of Commodore here. Questions or suggestions? Post in the forum!